Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Treatment Centre believes in the continuum of holistic care which embraces traditional and contemporary teachings, skills and values which benefit those receiving and giving care.

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Our Mission

In keeping with the sacred teachings of the creator, Ka-Na-Chi-Hih will provide a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment for First Nation youth who are embarking on their healing journey to wellness of body, heart, mind, and spirit.

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Our Vision

That all youth, who have been a part of Ka-Na-Chi-Hih, will have gained the strength and skills necessary to continue on their life’s path with pride, dignity, respect and a strong sense of identity. They will have achieved balance in their life’s long journey towards fulfillment and will be contributing members of their communities and to society.

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Our History

Ka-Na-Chi-Hih was initiated by Nishnawbe Aski Nation in 1996 and in January of 1997, admitted their first client. At that time, the program was situated at Smith Clinic and because of the need for more space, was relocated to the Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital (LPH) in March of the same year.

Philosophy of Treatment

Holistic Care

Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Treatment Centre believes in the continuum of holistic care.

Common Respect

We believe that each individual is worthy of respect, freedom and choice.

Welcoming to All

We believe and respect the beliefs, values, culture, and spirituality of all individuals.

Caring to All

We believe that all individuals have the right to all the basic requirements of which we hold sacred.


We believe that each individual seeking self-awareness and personal growth has the right to enhance their abilities and skills.

Everyone Welcome

We believe that each individual seeking healing at the Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Treatment Centre has the right to the programs and services.